GA HIMSS Annual Student Scholarship

Signups for 2025 are open!


Click Here to Apply!


GAHIMSS David Cowan Scholarship And Other Chapter Scholarship Opportunities - Information


Purpose and History

The Georgia Chapter of HIMSS is pleased to sponsor a scholarship for a student of health information technology or informatics. The chapter established this scholarship to promote the development of emerging leaders in health information technology management. Georgia student members are all encouraged to apply for the scholarship. In addition to the scholarship award.


The call for scholarship applications opens Fall of each year.  For more information, contact



The scholarship is for post-secondary students (from technical school to graduate school) currently enrolled a Health Information Technology program (or Health Informatics program, Healthcare Information and Management Systems, or closely related program)  in an accredited school in the state of Georgia.



About Georgia HIMSS


Georgia HIMSS Mission: Actively engage our members, sponsors, partners and legislators in improving health and health care in Georgia through information and technology


Georgia HIMSS Vision: Better health for Georgians through information and technology