GA HIMSS Chapter Sponsorship Program
Click Here to Secure Your Chapter Sponsorship Package

Georgia HIMSS appreciates the contributions and strong support of its sponsors. In addition to sponsors gaining recognition throughout the year at various events, the funding allows GA HIMSS to provide relevant and impactful programs to its membership. The Chapter is excited to provide you with several sponsorship options that will align with various marketing goals. Becoming a sponsor for GA HIMSS will improve the awareness of your company and allow you to showcase how your business is positively impacting the healthcare community through information technology.
During a typical year, GA HIMSS offers 4-5 educational programs outside of its two major events, the Annual Conference and Golf Classic. Attendance ranges from 75-200+ people depending on the topic and venue. The programs are designed to share expert knowledge and to facilitate networking among its members. Participants come from diverse backgrounds all involved in some aspect of health care information systems and management. This includes physicians, nurses and other clinicians, information technology executives, project managers, administrators, and consultants. Many of the attendees are key leaders and decision-makers in their respective institutions throughout the state of Georgia.
The following events are scheduled each fiscal year.
- Meet the Board Event - June
- Annual Conference - Fall of each year
- Educational Event and Networking Event
- GA HIMSS Lunch and Learn
- GA HIMSS Chapter Reception at HIMSS Annual Conference
- Annual Golf Classic and Fundraiser (Spring)
- CPHIMS Coaching Sessions (In-Person, prior to GA HIMSS Annual Conference)
GA HIMSS thanks you for your consideration in supporting the Chapter!
Online Payment - Chapter Sponsorships Click Here
Sponsorship Packages & Descriptions:
Elite Sponsorship - $8,500
· Logo & company description on posted on the GA HIMSS website
· (1) Golden Eagle Sponsorship for the GA HIMSS Golf and Gala Event
· (1) GA HIMSS Annual Conference includes: (1) 10 x 10 Booth with early location selection and (3) additional conference tickets (2 included in booth package)
· (1) Lunch Event Sponsorship with the ability to distribute company marketing information and 5-10 minutes to speak about your company before the event
· Up to four complimentary tickets to attend lunch and learn events of your choice per year
Premier Sponsorship - $6,500
· Logo & company description on posted on the GA HIMSS website
· (1) Silver Birdie Sponsorship for the GA HIMSS Golf and Gala Event
· (1) GA HIMSS Annual Conference includes: (1) 10 x 10 Booth with early location selection (2) additional conference tickets (2 included in booth package)
· Up to two complimentary tickets to attend lunch and learn events of your choice per year
Partner Sponsorship - $3,500
· Logo & company description on posted on the GA HIMSS website
· (2) Two complimentary tickets to attend the annual Gala, plus (1) one complimentary golf player assigned to a foursome
· 50% discount applied to one Annual Conference registration
· One complimentary ticket to attend lunch and learn event of your choice per year
Event Sponsor - $975
· Sponsor table at a single educational event
· (2) Complimentary tickets to the event
· Company logo and recognition at the event
· Opportunity to introduce the speaker of the event
· 2-3 minute company overview
Webinar Sponsor - $500
· Company logo and recognition at the event
· Opportunity to introduce the speaker of the event
· 2-3 minute company overview
For more information contact
Please proceed to the link below for sponsorship payment:
Online Payment - Chapter Sponsorships
Please contact GA HIMSS Sponsorship Chair for more information at to secure your sponsorship or obtain additional information.
*Annual sponsorships will be valid for one year from the date of payment.
GA HIMSS Sponsor Cancellation Policy
Sponsorship/Exhibitor Cancellation Policy: In the event that the sponsor and/or exhibitor wishes to cancel their participation, they need to communicate their request within 21 days of the event for a full refund. All refunds will be subject to an administrative fee mentioned below. All cancellations must be sent in writing to Georgia HIMSS at Refunds or credits will not be given for failure to attend, late arrival, unattended events or early departure.
**Event registration cancellation fees: (to cover chapter online transaction fees)
Non-Credit Card registration or Event registration payment of $15.00 or less - Cancellation fee is $4.00
Credit card registration payment of $15.00 - $30.00 - Cancellation fee is $8.00
Credit Card registration payment of $30.00 or greater - Cancellation fee is $15.00
Cancellation reimbursement is only honored, if requested prior to event date.
Chapter Sponsors Renewals:
Chapter sponsors are not required to renew their sponsorship package until they have completely used up their benefits within 1 fiscal year, if the flagship event or events in their package was cancelled or postponed by the chapter due to conditions beyond the control of the chapter.
Pro-rated: chapter sponsors are eligible for a prorated refund on the unused benefits if they wish. Pro-rated refunds are based on a case by case basis determined and approved by the chapter executive team.
Special Event Only Sponsorship:
For our Special Event Sponsors, if a flagship event is cancelled or postponed by the chapter due to conditions beyond the control of the chapter; the contribution can be held by GA HIMSS to be used once the event is rescheduled or the Special Event Sponsor can request a full refund.
Impossibility Clause: Neither party shall be liable in damages for any delay or default in performing its obligations under this Agreement if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its control, including acts of God, war (declared or undeclared), acts of government authorities, terrorism, disaster, strikes, civil disorder, curtailment of transportation facilities, extreme weather conditions, pandemics, any of which result in travel restrictions being implemented by government authorities or the World Health Organization on travel to the location of the Hotel or from the location of the Client , or any other emergency beyond the parties' control making it impossible, illegal, inadvisable or commercially impracticable, or which materially affects a party's ability to perform its obligations under this agreement. Should holding the event become impossible, GA HIMSS will provide in writing within 10 days of the occurrence options for how to proceed.